The Lithuanian Laser Association (LLA) was registered in 2005 and unites the participants of the Lithuanian laser and other photonics technology sector. The Association brings together institutions and companies to develop activities in the field of "Photonic and Laser Technologies", which is one of the components of the Smart Specialisation R & D priorities ("New Production Processes, Materials and Technologies") approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
The aim of the Association is to cooperate and concentrate the efforts of its members on targeted activities to make the laser and light technology (photonics) sector (science, studies, industry) one of the key elements of Lithuania's competitiveness.
Main functionsof the Association:
Make Lithuanian laser physics science and industry more competitive in Europe and the world by fostering the development of laser and other photonics technologies, studies, and industry.
Promote an environment of innovation, entrepreneurship, and partnership among the members of the Association in Lithuania and abroad.
Promote the knowledge economy, in particular based on laser and other photonics technologies.
Ensure that publicly funded research in the field of lasers and other photonics technologies and the use of EU Structural Funds are aligned with the needs of the field.
Ensure the training of high-level professionals through participation in the development of training programmes and through the nomination of the Association's representatives to the boards of scientific institutions. Encourage scientific contacts with Lithuanian physicists from abroad and initiate their return to Lithuania.
Facilitate and encourage joint marketing activities of the members of the Association, joint business, and research projects.
The Association'sareas of activity:
Internationalization and Partnerships
Ecosystem and Representation
STEAM, Outreach and Dissemination