Month: November 2022

award ekspla
A Lithuanian laser product again ranks among the best

A laser developed in Lithuania has been ranked among the best photonics and laser products in the world. This year, a picosecond laser from UAB Ekspla made it to the finals of the Prism Awards.

The international jury of experts in photonics and lasers rated the picosecond laser model PT277-XIR.

An instrument for observing molecules with nano-precision

Launched just this year, the new laser is designed for researchers. According to Ekspla Chief Sales Officer Mantvydas Jašinskas: “The unique quality of this laser is its excellent specifications that bring several times greater precision to research applications compared to the technology currently available”.

This laser finds applications in microscopy, or nanoscopy to be more precise. Using the PT277-XIR, molecule formations nearly one-thousandth the thickness of a hair can be observed. When exposed to infrared light, molecules have their own unique response to the light, which is how they can be recognized. In the words of an Ekspla spokesperson: special microscopy (one that scans near-field optical microscopy, or SNOM) and laser-emitting infrared light produce an image of the molecular world with acceptable spatial resolution.

The world’s top companies covet the annual prestigious Prism Award and recognition.

This year, the jury selected 24 finalists in eight categories out of more than 100 applications from 19 countries worldwide. One of them was a laser from Lithuania: Ekspla’s adjustable wavelength laser was one of the three finalists in the laser category.

Lithuania shines bright on the world’s photonics map

Last year saw as many as two Lithuanian companies in nomination for the Prism Awards 2022: the femtosecond start-up Litilit and the laser system software developer UAB Direct Machining Control.

The Prism Awards are given annually to laser, photonics, and optics companies for their most innovative products of the year. The competition has entries from all over the globe. The awards ceremony will take place for the 15th time in 2023.

This competition is sometimes regarded as the Oscars of the photonics and laser industry, and the award ceremony is the crowning moment of the international Photonics West (US) conference and expo.

This is the second time that a laser produced by this company has been among the finalist for the awards. In 2011, Ekspla received the highest Prism Awards accolade in the scientific laser category for its NT200 laser system. So far, this has been the first and only Prism Award in the Lithuanian laser community.

The winners will be announced at a gala ceremony on 1 February 2023.

The competition recognizes companies manufacturing environmentally friendly products, addressing problems of the human race, and improving the quality of life through photonics and lasers.